Our new project has started!

We are happy to share with you that we have just started with the Erasmus+ project MicPlaPROB.

During the 18 months of the project, we are going to Plastics have entered almost every part of our lives. As individuals in the general public, we may not even be aware of all plastics and other chemical substances we come into contact with on a daily basis. Microplastics have first been recognized as a possible health and environmental issue only a few years ago and have since been studied by many scientists all over the world and the threat they pose to nature and us is evident.

Sadly, our lives have in recent years become bombarded with many other environmental issues and ecological disasters, meanwhile plastics surrounding us have been accumulating in the shape of microplastics in the deepest parts of our world and the deep impact it has already and may have in the future has barely made it into the news.

In the 18 months of this project, we would try to fill that knowledge gap at least in our youth and their teachers and later spread on to the public in the countries of participating partners.

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