Disseminating the EDU4PlastiCircular project in the DigiFunCollab community, Piran, Slovenia

The EDU4PlastiCircular project was disseminated to a large group of colleagues from the DigiFunColab project. The dissemination activity took place in a hybrid way and the presentation and the after debate and feed-back was interesting from the practical perspective of plastic waste management experiences in each country: Italy, Slovenia, Germany and Romania.

The presentation has been provided by prof. dr. Anca Draghici from Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania together with prof. dr. Valerij Dermol from Dermol Digital Business Solutions, Slovenia. Participants appreciate the initiative and enjoy the already materials available for trainees. Participants enjoy the project webpage and the social media presence and follow the information available (open resources).

The dissemination action has extended the project community through consulting and teaching staff from Germany, the United Kingdom, and other universities in Italy.

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