Disseminating the EDU4PlastiCircular project at the International School for Social and Business Studies (ISSBS) in Celje

The Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) Digital Frontiers: Tech Innovations in Entrepreneurship (DITE, htttps://mfdps.si/en/international/bip/) was organized by ISSBS, and the F2F session with practical applications and the development of the business plan has been developed in Celje, Slovenia (2 – 6 September 2024). Trainers from Romania took the opportunity to present the EDU4PlastiCircular project and the already created open learning resources, by promoting the ideas of how plastic waste should be approached in the circular and neutral economy. The Dermol Digital Business Solutions, Slovenia representatives have accompanied the presentation of the project and invited students to include some green practices in their developed business plans.

In addition, UPT and Dermol teams’ members do not only disseminate the project, but also, they invite participants to visit the web page, FB and LikedIn pages to join the EDU4PlastiCircular community of action. The presentation of the project and the local initiatives developed by partners have inspired the students and other trainers from the Summer School to follow the news of this project.

This dissemination action has extended the project community via students and teaching staff from Poland, Germany, Spain, Portugal and other universities from Italy and Slovenia.

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