About project
EDU4PlastiCircular Project
General data
- Project No: 2023-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000166242
- Project start date: 1.11.2023
- Project duration: 36 months
- Project end date: 31.10.2026
- Key Action: Erasmus+ KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education
- National Agency of the Applicant Organisation: RO01 - Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale
Project leaflet
Project's main objective
The project’s main objective is to develop and boost the green skills of HEI teachers and students, managers and employees, and green practices and awareness for plastic in circular economy and neutral economy and to contribute to the EU’s digital transformation by:
1. Creating innovative training methods and reference process framework based on best practices of education
2. Releasing open training materials, e-learning platform and upskilling at least 200 learners.
Project activities
The activities to be implemented during this project are the following:
- Gathering best practices of plastic in circular and neutral economy, releasing starter pack
- Development of the curriculum and syllabus, digital library
- Development of innovative training methods and materials, preparation of the e-learning classroom, performing MOOC on 200 pilot learners, and 28 trainers
- Development of online badges/certificates
- Establish sustainability of EDU4PlastiCircular innitiative via the training program and other project results.
Expected results and outcomes of the project
EDU4PlastiCircular innovative training programme will contribute to green skills/competences development related to plastic in circular and neutral economies by exploiting the created open results:
- Best practices report
- Digital library, e-handbooks and starter kits for HEIs teachers, students (managers and other employees)
- Innovative syllabus, pedagogical methods
- E-learning platform and OERs digital learning content
- Digital badges/certificates.
Work packages
Work package n°2 - EDU4PlastiCircular training methodology design
The activities of this work package are convergent to achieve the TRAINERS critical mass of knowledge and competencies to support the
EDU4PlastiCircular training programme development, implementation and project sustainability.
The main results of WP2 are as follows:
- D 2.1 Gap analysis and collection of best practices
- D 2.2 Training methodology design - Analysis of existing training programmes
- D 2.3 Handbook.
Work package n°3 - EDU4PlastiCircular digital content design
The main result of WP3 is the digital learning content and OERs (to be used in WP4). The created digital library will include resources for HEI educators, students, managers and employees.
Training programme unit/elements will be the following:
- 1. Introduction in the Plastic World
- 2. Plastic Waste Management
- 3. Plastic in Circular Economy & Climate Neutral
- 4. Innovation in the Plastic World
- 5. Awareness of Plastic Waste Impact & Responsible Behavior.
Work package n°4 - EDU4PlastiCircular implementation and exploitation
These objectives/activities will contribute to testing and validating the EDU4PlastiCircular training programme and creating the first big group of trainees/beneficiaries. Also, they will contribute to the trainers’ training via 2 LTTA – Learning, teaching and training activities developed F2F.
Work package n°5 - EDU4PlastiCircular dissemination and sustainability
The main objective of this work package is to disseminate the EDU4PlastiCircular project results to local, regional and international audiences and raise awareness about the topics to ensure continuous plastic waste ends up in the environment, green technologies, green/responsible behaviour of users to achieve EU climate neutral economy objectives.
Specific Objectives & Results
SO1: To gather best practices of plastic in circular economy & neutral economy and prepare reference process models (policies & rules).
Results: Handbook with best practices, curriculum, syllabus, skills card definition.
SO2: To design innovative training methods tailored for HEIs staff and students, managers and employees.
Results: Handbook with innovative training methods.
SO3: To implement training materials and deploy them using online and mobile classrooms.
Results: Digital library with training materials, e-learning content, e-learning platform.
SO4: To test and verify the efficiency of the learning methods, materials and innovative online/mobile learning platform.
Results: tested e-learning platform, performed online and live courses, 200 educated pilot learners.
SO5: To ensure sustainability, usefulness and longevity of the EDU4PlastiCircular training program and other project deliverables.
Results: sustainability plan and business model for after-project ends, signed agreement with partners future collaborations with 5 concrete actions, signed letters of cooperation with (future) remote work companies and/or public bodies.
Main target group
Main target group of the EDU4PlastiCircular project are adult lifelong-learners from EU countries (18 – 65 years old), particularly (by role):
- 1. HEIs teachers/educators (all categories of teaching staff) who will transfer the EDU4PlastiCircular skills further to their students;
- 2. Students (most from different engineering education programs) learners from different level (BSc, MSc, PhD students) who will be better equipped with EDU4PlastiCircular skills, which will boost their careers;
- 3. Managers, employees of different organizations (having a relation with HEIs partners involved in the project) considered as main actors of university-industry/business collaboration. They will exploit the EDU4PlastiCircular knowledge for greening their organizations/processes/ (by location).